© 2024 Altar’ l’Atelier

Evgenia Dranova

The founder of the studio, a multifaceted and deep personality who combines different areas and types of activities
Evgenia is an interior designer with more than 10 years of experience and art critic, has experience in exhibition activities, working with space and art. Evgenia is also a Vastu specialist and is closely connected with the traditions of India.

She regularly practices and teaches Kundalini yoga, which gives incredible sensitivity in the process of harmonizing space and a clear understanding of customer needs.

During her student years, Evgenia studied the culture of the Northern peoples in order to develop equipment for the Arctic territory, which also forms an understanding of the approach to working with different cultures.

Current vacancies
Write to us by email or WhatsApp if you want to become part of the team
  • Interior designer for the entire cycle of design tasks
    - ability to make collages for general presentation of ideas.
    - AI knowledge (or desire to quickly master them).
    - 3d visualizations.
    - drawings (working documentation).
    - be in tune with the aesthetics of our studio.
    - think boldly.
  • SMM-specialist
    - maintaining accounts on social networks, regularly posting publications and stories, editing reels.
    - presence of copywriting skills, ability to collect full-fledged, creative storytelling and posts.
    - ability to create a high-quality content plan and strategy.
+7 965 504-99-88
Ekaterinburg | Moscow | Saint Petersburg
© 2024, Altar’ l’Atelier